With my skin not at its best, thanks to freezing temperatures, central heating and the trails of a spectacular flu, I thought it was time to revive my skincare routine and update it with some old wintertime essentials and a few new bits to bring some moisture back to my poor, distressed skin.
First off in my daily routine is the Caudalie Vinosource S.O.S. Thirst Quenching Serum (£26.10), a thin milky serum that goes straight to the deeper skin layers to really tone and moisturize from within. This fellow here kept my skin in great condition all through last winter and now is back into my everyday routine to get me past the colder months once again. It's one of those products that make such a big difference from the very first use: there's no flakiness in sight, any redness is pretty much gone and skin looks overall fuller and healthier. It provides an awful lot of nourishment without in fact weighting down the skin or bothering my makeup as the day goes by. Same goes for the Antipodes Rejoice Light Facial Day Cream (£25.99), the next step of my morning lineup. I bought it on a whim a few months ago - without reading any review first, which is not something I do very often - and it actually turned out to be a great purchase. As the name suggests, it's a lightweight moisturizer that sinks in quickly, leaving the skin nice and plump and uber soft; although the texture itself is quite thick and requires a little bit of work, my skin just drinks it up without a hitch. It's not your typical thin moisturizer for daytime but I wouldn't call it heavy either; it's simply perfect to keep me hydrated even on the chilliest days without leaving my complexion feeling greasy or congested.
I do love a good, rich cream at night time and I've recently rediscovered the Antipodes Avocado Pear Nourishing Night Cream (£32.99), which truly does wonders for my skin while I snore blissfully. This evening moisturizer it's like a facial in a jar; it's absolutely overflowing with natural oils, vitamin E and honey which are a perfect fix for dull and pesky skin and the strong herbal scent is so relaxing and soothing it makes me fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow. It gives that lovely 8-hour-sleep glow and completely sorts out any blotchiness or dry patches; it makes such a huge difference and really changes my skin when I use it.
If all these extra nourishing products weren't enough for my thirsty skin, my trusty Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Mask (£21.50) is always ready to step-in in times of need and save the day. It's a great all-around face mask that cleanses the skin deeply, unclogging pores and soothing redness and blemishes, while bringing intense hydration and nourishment to the skin. It also doubles up as spot treatment on not-quite-raised pimples: I simply pat a little blob wherever I'm feeling a sore spot lurking underneath the surface and leave it on overnight to control the damage.
First off in my daily routine is the Caudalie Vinosource S.O.S. Thirst Quenching Serum (£26.10), a thin milky serum that goes straight to the deeper skin layers to really tone and moisturize from within. This fellow here kept my skin in great condition all through last winter and now is back into my everyday routine to get me past the colder months once again. It's one of those products that make such a big difference from the very first use: there's no flakiness in sight, any redness is pretty much gone and skin looks overall fuller and healthier. It provides an awful lot of nourishment without in fact weighting down the skin or bothering my makeup as the day goes by. Same goes for the Antipodes Rejoice Light Facial Day Cream (£25.99), the next step of my morning lineup. I bought it on a whim a few months ago - without reading any review first, which is not something I do very often - and it actually turned out to be a great purchase. As the name suggests, it's a lightweight moisturizer that sinks in quickly, leaving the skin nice and plump and uber soft; although the texture itself is quite thick and requires a little bit of work, my skin just drinks it up without a hitch. It's not your typical thin moisturizer for daytime but I wouldn't call it heavy either; it's simply perfect to keep me hydrated even on the chilliest days without leaving my complexion feeling greasy or congested.
I do love a good, rich cream at night time and I've recently rediscovered the Antipodes Avocado Pear Nourishing Night Cream (£32.99), which truly does wonders for my skin while I snore blissfully. This evening moisturizer it's like a facial in a jar; it's absolutely overflowing with natural oils, vitamin E and honey which are a perfect fix for dull and pesky skin and the strong herbal scent is so relaxing and soothing it makes me fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow. It gives that lovely 8-hour-sleep glow and completely sorts out any blotchiness or dry patches; it makes such a huge difference and really changes my skin when I use it.
If all these extra nourishing products weren't enough for my thirsty skin, my trusty Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Mask (£21.50) is always ready to step-in in times of need and save the day. It's a great all-around face mask that cleanses the skin deeply, unclogging pores and soothing redness and blemishes, while bringing intense hydration and nourishment to the skin. It also doubles up as spot treatment on not-quite-raised pimples: I simply pat a little blob wherever I'm feeling a sore spot lurking underneath the surface and leave it on overnight to control the damage.
Nothing to say about hand creams except that I'm absolutely obsessed with them and also a bit of an hoarder. Lately I've been loving the Soap & Glory Hand Food Hand Cream (£2.50), a great fuss-free moisturizer that sinks in quickly without leaving any residue or greasy finish behind. It smells gorgeous - like fruit salad and fresh cut flowers - and I love this little travel size, great to just pop in your handbag for on-the-go application.
How do you handle these seasonal changes?
Continui sbalzi di temperatura, riscaldamento centralizzato e i residui di un'influenza spettacolare hanno messo la mia pelle a dura prova; per rimetterla in carreggiata ho deciso di ravvivare la mia routine quotidiana ed aggiornarla con qualche vecchia conoscenza ed un paio di nuovi prodotti perfetti per affrontare la stagione più fredda e restituire un po' di idratazione alla mia cute stressata.
La mia routine inizia con il Caudalie Vinosource S.O.S. Siero Dissetante (€29), un siero leggero e lattiginoso che va dritto ad idratare e tonificare gli strati più profondi della pelle. Lo scorso inverno mi ha letteralmente salvato la faccia ed ora è tornato a fare parte del mio regime di skincare per affrontare i rigori invernali. E' uno di quei prodotti capaci di fare la differenza fin dalla prima applicazione: non c'è traccia di desquamazione, i rossori sono notevolmente ridotti ed in generale la pelle appare più in salute e compatta. Dona un'idratazione incredibile senza però appesantire o disturbare il trucco. Lo stesso si può dire del secondo step della mia routine, l'Antipodes Rejoice Light Facial Day Cream (€32.50). L'ho comprata qualche mese fa un po' d'impulso - senza leggere nemmeno una review, cosa che non accade molto spesso - ma per fortuna si è rivelata un ottimo acquisto. Come suggerisce il nome, si tratta di una crema leggera, che si assorbe senza lasciare traccia, rendendo la pelle soda e morbidissima; anche se la consistenza in sè è abbastanza densa e richiede un massaggio prolungato per il completo assorbimento, la mia pelle sembra assorbirla quasi avidamente. Non è il tipico idratante da giorno, leggero e quasi impalpabile, ma non si può nemmeno definire pesante; è semplicemente abbastanza ricco da mantenere la pelle idratata anche nelle giornate più fredde, senza ungerla o sovraccaricarla.
Una crema davvero ricca e nutriente è invece quello che cerco per la routine serale e recentemente ho riscoperto l'Antipodes Avocado Pear Nourishing Night Cream (€37), che fa meraviglie per il mio incarnato mentre dormo beatamente. Questa crema notte è un vero e proprio trattamento spa in barattolo: è letteralmente traboccante di oli naturali, vitamina E e miele - una vera manna per la pelle secca e opaca - ed il profumo erboso è così rilassante e distensivo, perfetto per facilitare il sonno. Dona una luminosità invidiabile e libera l'incarnato da ogni traccia di secchezza e discolorazione; anche questo prodotto fa davvero la differenza e cambia l'aspetto del mio viso ad ogni utilizzo.
Nel caso questi tutti prodotti extra nutrienti non fossero sufficienti, ho un'arma segreta pronta a venirmi in aiuto, la mia fidata Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Mask (€21). E' una maschera multifunzione che deterge a fondo la pelle, purificando i pori e calmando rossori e piccole irritazioni, ed allo stesso stempo idratando e nutrendo la pelle in profondità. Funziona inoltre come trattamento localizzato per le imperfezioni non ancora mature: applico una piccola quantità di crema ovunque senta un brufoletto sotto pelle e la lascio agire tutta la notte per bloccare o ridurre l'infiammazione.
Niente da dire per quanto riguarda le creme mani, se non la mia passione sfrenata per questo tipo di prodotto e la mia tendenza ad accumularne a decine. Ultimamente sto davvero apprezzando la Soap & Glory Hand Food Hand Cream (€2.99), una crema mani molto semplice, che si assorbe rapidamente senza lasciare residui. Il profumo è incantevole - un mix di macedonia di frutta e fiori freschi - ed adoro questa taglia da viaggio, perfetta da infilare in borsetta per chi come me tende a dimenticarsi i guanti ed ha bisogno di applicarla di continuo.
Come combattete queste temperature polari?
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